Why to keep our historical windows?

The majority of our historic monuments and precious old buildings was constructed with doors and windows made of qood-quality wood with sturctures evolved as a result of experiences gained for over long periods. With the appropriate form of maintenance they would be preservable for an almost unlimited time as they are in excellent conditions now. Their replacement is not necessary even after a hundred or a hundred and fifty years from now. However, the majority of them fell victim to upgradings, most often because of the common, but mistaken view that they cannot meet today’s energetical expectations and requirements, and that in the long run it is cheaper to replace than to upgrade them. But this is a mistake. (See more details under lectures of the conference and bibliography.)
With this website we would like to provide valuable information about staining methods now almost being forgotten, realistic thermophysical measurings as well as the most recent technologies of glazing developed especially for historic windows.

We hope that this website shall be a virtual meeting point for the owners of windows and craftsmen, manufacturers, suppliers and architects exerienced in upgrading.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with remarks, comments, advice and questions.